AWS Lambda
It is a serverless Function as a Service (Faas)
Pay per request (number of invocations) and compute time
Integrated with CloudWatch for monitoring
Not good for running containerized applications
Can package and deploy Lambda functions as container images
Difference between EC2 and Lambda
Virtual Servers in the Cloud
Limited by RAM and CPU
Continuously running
Scaling means intervention to add / remove servers
Virtual functions – no servers to manage
Limited by time - short executions
Run on-demand
Scaling is automated
Lambda: Performance
Increasing RAM will improve CPU and network
Memory allocation (RAM): 128 MB -10GB (1 MB increments)
Max execution time: 900 seconds (15 minutes)
Disk capacity in function container (
): 512 MB to 10GBSize of environment variables: 4 KB
Concurrency executions: 1000 (can be increased)
Lambda: Deployment
Deployment size
Compressed: 50MB
Uncompressed (code + dependencies): 250 MB
Can use the /tmp directory to load other files at startup
Size of environment variables: 4 KB
If you intend to reuse code in more than one Lambda function, consider creating a Lambda Layer (a ZIP archive that contains libraries) for the reusable code. With layers, you can use libraries in your function without including them in the deployment package. Layers let you keep your deployment package small, which makes development easier. A function can use up to 5 layers at a time.
Lambda: Supported Languages
Node.js (JavaScript)
C# (.NET Core) / Powershell
Any other language using Custom Runtime API (community supported, example Rust, GoLang)
Lambda Container Image
The container image must implement the Lambda Runtime API
ECS / Fargate is preferred for running arbitrary Docker images
Lambda: Pricing
Pay per calls :
First 1,000,000 requests are free
$0.20 per 1 million requests thereafter ($0.0000002 per request)
Pay per duration: (in increment of 1 ms )
400,000 GB -seconds of compute time per month for FREE
\== 400,000 seconds if function is 1GB RAM
\== 3,200,000 seconds if function is 128 MB RAM
After that $1.00 for 600,000 GB-seconds
It is usually very cheap to run AWS Lambda so it’s very popular
Use cases
Serverless thumbnail creation using S3 & Lambda
Serverless CRON job using EventBridge & Lambda
Lambda: SnapStart
Improves your Lambda functions performance up to 10x at no extra cost for Java 11 and above
When enabled, function is invoked from a preinitialized state (no function initialization from scratch)
When you publish a new version:
Lambda initializes your function
Takes a snapshot of memory and disk state of the initialized function
Snapshot is cached for low-latency access
Customization At The Edge
Many modern applications execute some form of the logic at the edge
Edge Function:
A code that you write and attach to CloudFront distributions
Runs close to your users to minimize latency
CloudFront provides two types: CloudFront Functions & Lambda@Edge
You don’t have to manage any servers, deployed globally
Use case: customize the CDN content
Pay only for what you use
Fully serverless
CloudFront Functions & Lambda@Edge Use Cases
Website Security and Privacy
Dynamic Web Application at the Edge
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Intelligently Route Across Origins and Data Centers
Bot Mitigation at the Edge
Real-time Image Transformation
A/B Testing
User Authentication and Authorization
User Prioritization
User Tracking and Analytics
CloudFront Functions
Lightweight functions written in JavaScript
For high-scale, latency-sensitive CDN customizations
Sub-ms startup times, millions of requests/second
Used to change Viewer requests and responses:
Viewer Request: after CloudFront receives a request from a viewer
Viewer Response: before CloudFront forwards the response to the viewer
Native feature of CloudFront (manage code entirely within CloudFront)
Lambda functions written in NodeJS or Python
Deploy Lambda functions alongside your CloudFront CDN for computing at edge locations
Scales to 1000s of requests/second
Used to change CloudFront requests and responses:
Viewer Request – after CloudFront receives a request from a viewer
Origin Request – before CloudFront forwards the request to the origin
Origin Response – after CloudFront receives the response from the origin
Viewer Response – before CloudFront forwards the response to the viewer
Author your functions in one AWS Region (us-east-1), then CloudFront replicates to its locations
CloudFront Functions vs. LambdaEDGE
CloudFront Functions vs. Lambda@Edge - Use Cases
Lambda by default
By default, your Lambda function is launched outside your own VPC (in an AWS -owned VPC)
Therefore, it cannot access resources in your VPC (RDS, ElastiCache, internal ELB…)
Lambda in VPC
You must define the VPC ID, the Subnets and the Security Groups
Lambda will create an ENI (Elastic Network Interface) in your subnets
Lambda with RDS Proxy
If Lambda functions directly access your database, they may open too many connections under high load
RDS Proxy
Improve scalability by pooling and sharing DB connections
Improve availability by reducing by 66% the failover time and preserving connections
Improve security by enforcing IAM authentication and storing credentials in Secrets Manager
The Lambda function must be deployed in your VPC, because RDS Proxy is never publicly accessible
Invoking Lambda from RDS & Aurora
Invoke Lambda functions from within your DB instance
Allows you to process data events from within a database
Supported for RDS for PostgreSQL and Aurora MySQL
Must allow outbound traffic to your Lambda function from within your DB instance (Public, NAT GW, VPC Endpoints)
DB instance must have the required permissions to invoke the Lambda function (Lambda Resource-based Policy & IAM Policy)
RDS Event Notifications
Notifications that tells information about the DB instance itself (created, stopped, start, …)
You don’t have any information about the data itself
Subscribe to the following event categories: DB instance, DB snapshot, DB Parameter Group, DB Security Group, RDS Proxy, Custom Engine Version
Near real-time events (up to 5 minutes)
Send notifications to SNS or subscribe to events using EventBridge